From the beginning of the February until the end of April, we conducted SWOT analysis piece by piece, following acronym’s letters. At the beginning of the May, it was the time for each school to collect everything they’ve learned from them into one, big SWOT matrix which sums up all of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
During this, second semester our students who were included in SWOT VET eTwinning project had to analyze their schools’ internal and external environment. They had to look for factors that make their schools good, for ones that could be better, for outside factors that might get them in better position and ones that could put some fields of schools’ work in danger. We published by now each of these topics as a blog post for themselves.
When they finished, they got a task to combine what they learned into one SWOT analysis for their school. They had a choice – to include all of the factors mentioned in four previous analyses in this final one or to exclude everything they found out not to be that much important and list just factors that are crucial. In screenshots of their matrixes, you can see what each student group decided.
This time, students were offered to use other tools and templates than in the activities before. Their teachers took time to find several different templates and pages that offer them for download. Some of the templates are free, and some of them are downloadable if you pay some fee. Here is the list where you can find them, in case you ever need them:
There is no need to draw some specific conclusions regarding analyses they’ve made (or to be more correct – combined). Especially since we summed up previously published strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. But what one can do is try to see if some country has specific problems or advantages regarding their vocational education system. Take a look at screenshots of their analysis and figure out if they have something in common.

Bursa - Hamitler Toki MTAL, Turkey

Datca Ozcan Yılmaz MTAL, Turkey

Economy and Administration School Bjelovar, Croatia

Ereğli Uzun Mehmet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Turkey

Fethiye Şehit Yüzbaşı Özgür Özekin MTAL, Turkey

Lazăr Edeleanu Highschool from Navodari, Romania

Liceul Teoretic Emil Racovita, Baia Mare, Romania

Private school Futura, Croatia