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Schools partners

Let's briefly present schools who participate in this project.

Şehit Yüzbaşı Özgür Özekin Mesleki ve Te

Şehit Yüzbaşı Özgür Özekin Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi - TURKEY

Şehit Yüzbaşı Özgür Özekin Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is a public vocational and training institution in Fethiye/MUĞLA, a popular tourist region in the south-west of Turkey.
The mission of our school is to provide initial and continuing vocational education and training on Food and Beverage, Accommodation and Travel, and Accounting and Finance.

Datca Ozcan Yılmaz MTAL - TURKEY

Ozcan Yılmaz Vocatıonal Hıgh School
Our school is a vocational high school with students ranging from 14 to 18. In our school, we have electric and electronic , food and beverage services and pediatric development departments. The school has a dormitory giving the chance to students from different cities to study at our school. We also have a restaurant run by our school to prepare our students for the professional life in historical Kızlan Windmills. Our school also has catering services as a revolving fund activity.

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Bursa- Hamitler Toki MTAL- TURKEY

Hamitler Toki Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School is in Bursa. Our school has Justice, Radio&Television and Accounting&Finance departments. Apart from various labs, we have a courtroom, a small jail and TV studios where our students can practise about their future jobs.

Video made by students:

Sevgi BOZOĞLU/Uzun Mehmet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School - TURKEY

Our school is in Zonguldak-Ereğli. There are areas of Accounting finance, Shipping, Marketing and Retail, Office Management and Justice. Our school has a gymnasium, computer labs and department classes.

Video made by students:

Sevgi BOZOĞLU Uzun Mehmet Vocational and
”Emil Racovita” High School , Baia Mare,

”Emil Racovita” High School , Baia Mare, Maramures - ROMANIA

Theoretical High School is named after the Romanian scientist, explorer, biologist and speleologist Emil Racoviță. The vision of the high school is "We know today, what matters tomorrow!" He has the title of Euroschool and is included in the Eco-School program. There are 4 specializations: natural sciences, computer mathematics, tourism and clothing design. Our school has a boarding school where students are accommodated and a canteen. Tourism students practice at hotels and restaurants in the city, as well as in the school canteen.

Lazăr Edeleanu Highschool - ROMANIA

Building and development of the school started in 1960's. It's long tradition and results make it distinctive nowadays in it's Constanta County community.

This is link to the video about the school:

Lazăr Edeleanu Highschool.jpg
skola Futura.jpg

Private school Futura - CROATIA

Private school Futura is a small private school located in Zagreb, capital city of Croatia. We are a secondary vocational school that educates economists and IT technitians. Our students are from 15 to 19 years old and we currently have 132 students. We have 25 teachers and most of them are full-time employees of the school. Our school is oriented to the future and promotes innovative teaching methods and tight integration of ICT in educational process. All educational materials are available to students via Internet (online class application) and school is very well equipped with computers, projectors and other work materials.


Our IT students will be joining the project. They are currently taking programming classes and learning how to program computer games, websites and web applications.

Economy and Administration School Bjelovar - CROATIA

Economy and Administration School Bjelovar is a vocational school that has been working for more than half a century in the area of ​​the city of Bjelovar in the center of northwestern Croatia. The school is proud of its numerous projects, of which we single out The Days of Free Teaching and Let’s Share Knowledge.A range activities include writing business plan, a business café, a keyboarding online competition,  a lesson/workshop on (financial literacy for primary school students), a quiz competition, a selling exhibition of the school handcrafted cooperative called Lukrum and Charity Christmas Fair.  The school educates economists and administrative clerks.

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