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Student surveys – beginning, midterm, final

To monitor how are students responding to participation in the SWOT VET eTwinning project, we decided to conduct surveys in the beginning, middle and at the end of the project. They were filled in February, at the end of March/beginning of April and final one in the second half of May. We listed their results below.

Project Startup Students’ Survey

Here is the gallery of the results of the questionnaire shown in form of pie charts. Interpretation of the results is written by Uzun Mehmet from MTAL, Turkey.

All of our 36 students answered the questionnaire. Most of our students are 17 years old. There are a lot of people who have the first eTwinning project. They seem to have some knowledge of SWOT analysis. They have positive thoughts about our project and believe it will be productive. They are happy to be in vocational high school. They want to have information about other vocational high schools. It was seen that they had information about their departments. 1-5 know web2 tools. They think the projects are beneficial for meeting new friends, working as a team, improving foreign language skills and increasing their personal development.

Students’ midterm survey

Just like in previous section, results of the survey are shown below in form of pie charts. For those who are more “people of word”, colleague Hamitler Toki from MTAL (Turkey) has put the numbers into sentences and paragraphs.

According the survey results, which are concluded by the attendance of all project students, each student indicated that they took the project seriously, they all were active in teamwork.

Three quarters of them believed that they were happy to work on the projects even when they didn't attend school during the pandemic process, others found it very difficult and unnecessary. Two thirds of them stated that their teachers guided them to use web 2.0 tools, others said they figured out themselves.

All students remarked that they could easily communicated with their groups' teacher easily during the teamwork. Most of them thought their school had quite a lot of strengths, small percentage of them thought their school had quite a few strengths.

Two thirds of them indicated that their school had quite a few weaknesses, others indicated that their school had quite a lot of weaknesses. Nearly all of them specified that applying Swot Analysis to their school was very necessary to see its current situation.

Three quarters of them stated that they visited their Twinspace regularly, while others said that they visited sometimes and did the necessary works. More than half of them remarked that they sometimes talked about the project with their families, nearly half of them remarked that they talked about our project with their parents and their families sometimes mentioned their ideas. Only a few of them didn't talk about our project with their parents at all.

Students’ final survey

As students’ tasks were coming to an end, we sent them final questionnaire which summarizes their experience of participating in the project. This is probably the most important survey of all of them conducted during the project.

Visual representation of the result is shared in short photo gallery, while interpretation is written by colleagues from Liceul Teoretic ”Emil Racoviță” from Baia Mare (Romania).

The students did not encounter major problems in communicating with their teachers. They have received support and help from teachers. Our students became more aware about their school. They consider the project useful. All the parts of the SWOT Analysis were of equal interest to them. They showed their work to parents and friends. They intend to use the digital tools in future activities. They managed to make new friends. A great part of the students wants to work in future projects and they consider that they have understood eTwinning platform and work.


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