According to our project timeline, during the second half of February, all of the partnering schools started to do their SWOT analysis. The first topic to analyze were strengths of their organization, aka letter S, which resulted with the list of their schools’ internal factors that make them better or in (strategic) advantage in comparison to other institutions from the same field, education.
Below we listed screenshots of strengths that each student team extracted from observation of their schools’ working procedures and environment, assets and staff. Each school did their map of strengths (and later weaknesses, opportunities and threats) using their web 2.0 tool of choice. They implemented the following:
Lazăr Edeleanu Highschool Navodari, Romania –
Private school Futura, Zagreb, Croatia –
Liceul Teoretic Emil Racovita, Baia Mare, Romania –
Uzun Mehmet MTAL Kdz. Ereğli, Turkey –
Özcan Yılmaz MTAL Datça, Turkey –
Ekonomska i birotehnička škola Bjelovar, Croatia –
Hamitler Toki MTAL Bursa, Turkey –
Şehit Yüzbaşı Özgür Özekin MTAL Fethiye, Turkey –
Pictures shared below represent how final product looks for each application so feel free to find app’s website and try some of these tools if you like its design.
When we compared these screenshots, we noticed that two strong factors usually repeat in each “strengths-net”: all schools are well equipped (either they have good IT equipment, rich libraries, cafeteria or dorm) and teachers are usually perceived very professional, competent and often very empathetic. These are just common ones and if you’d like to learn more about internal advantages that students noticed within their schools, check out visuals.
Datca Ozcan Yılmaz MTAL
Economy and administration school Bjelovar
Ereğli Uzun Mehmet MTAL
Lazăr Edeleanu Highschool Navodari, Romania
Liceul Teoretic Emil Racovita, Baia Mare, Romania
Hamitler Toki MTAL Bursa TURKEY
Private school Futura, Zagreb, Croatia