After finishing with analyzing strengths of their schools, student groups had to define internal weaknesses of their schools. They had to detect problems with schools’ resources, staff, equipment, close surrounding, parents, curricula. These bullets presented in visuals below are poor internal factors, from students’ perspectives, that could be fixed and get better.
Just like for visualizing the network of the strengths of their schools, students used same online tools for digital creation again this time. Each school stood behind their primary choice which, by the end of the project, will make students master the tools they chose. It will also make the whole process quite easier and faster – at least on the part when they have to present the ideas they brainstormed upon before doing hands-on work.
Some students gathered weak spots of their schools under some main topic – like “Teachers”, “Physical”, “Parents” or “Students” – while others just listed what they saw as problematic factors in the ways their schools function. Unlike when counting strengths, there is much wider variety of levels and natures of weaknesses students detected within their schools.
Some of these problems are: lack of both equipment and curricula that are up-to-date with modern technology and requirements of the labor market; lack of cafeteria or too expensive lunch food; not enough time to relax between classes; lack of experience among some teachers, especially older ones who still struggle to manage tools required for quality online teaching; school’s location that is hard to reach or it is not in nice neighborhood and the list goes on.
If you’d like to know what are factors that bother students from partnering schools, we shared screenshots of their “weakness-networks” below so feel free to check it.

Economy and Administration School Bjelovar, Croatia

Ereğli Uzun Mehmet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

Datca Ozcan Yılmaz MTAL


Lazar Edeleanu Highschool

Hamitler Toki MTAL Bursa TURKEY

Liceul Teoretic Emil Racovita, Baia Mare, Romania

Private School Futura