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Teacher’s project survey

Though our students’ gained knowledge, skills and experience are of great importance, it is also worth knowing how our teachers managed to implement the project within their classes and what they got from it. That is why, along with students’ survey, we made two questionnaires for teachers – one to examine their starting point of view during the first weeks of the project and one final survey which sums up their project experience.

The first teachers’ survey

Questions, as well as results of the first teachers’ survey are presented in image gallery where we shared screenshots of Google Form results. For those who want concrete knowledge rather than reading graphs, below is results’ interpretation written by colleagues from Romania and Turkey.

Half of the teachers involved in this project have also participated in eTwinning projects, which shows us that they already know the significance and advantages of collaborative projects on the eTwinning platform.

And the other half, not participating in such projects, reveals their interest in eTwinning projects, by getting involved in this project. But more than half have been involved in several eTwinning projects, not just this one. More than half of the teachers performed a SWOT analysis, which demonstrates their involvement in the analysis of the institutions they belong to, in the appreciation of class work or in the analysis of projects. There is connection between the percentage of teachers who performed a SWOT analysis (64.3%) and those who have been in school for more than 3 years (64.3%), so they managed to perform a SWOT analysis of the institution in who works when the working period in the same school is longer. However, the percentage of teachers less than 1-year-old in school is higher than those who are 1-3 years old.

Most teachers (78.6%) managed to collaborate with project partners, which means increased interest in carrying out project activities, experience of eTwinning projects and openness to collaboration. A very small percentage (7.1%) failed, probably due to the lack of experience of eTwinning projects, not to get acquainted with this platform.

Almost all teachers (92.9%) disseminated project information to their schoolmates, so that all project activities were promoted through discussions. The best and fastest way to communicate between the project partners was the WhatsApp application, created by the project coordinator, and the least used was email, but it was also communicated on Twinspace, but in a low percentage. 3 students from each school were involved in the project, which was good for most teachers (64.3%), but there were also teachers who would have liked a larger number of students.

All teachers want in the future a collaboration between partners and in the Erasmus + project, which demonstrates interest in collaboration, for the exchange of good practices between partner schools, the experience gained and good collaboration in this project.

Due to the challenge launched to the SWOT analysis of each partner school, the implementation of activities related to internet safety, media and disinformation skills, collaboration between partner schools, exchange of good practices, enthusiasm of the students involved, most support the implementation of the project and in other Vocational High Schools, only a small percentage (7.1%) support the application, but by adding improvements, it is true that there is always a place for better.

Final teachers’ survey

Questionnaire created for final teachers’ survey was basically used to evaluate teachers’ and students practical work and to estimate project’s success regarding expected goals after implementing all of the activities.

Results formed in pie charts are shared in gallery below, while text explanation is written by colleagues from two Croatia schools.

In this final evaluation survey 14 teachers had participated. We all think our project has achieved its purpose, every teacher answered affirmative. Teachers are satisfied with working in vocational high school. All teachers think that the project for vocational high school revealed the importance of vocational high school. 78,4% of teachers think that they have had enough publicity of project in school. Teacher's think that they have sufficiently introduced project where they live. The majority of teachers 78,6% only sometimes have been able to do face-to-face training and project activities at the school during the pandemic process. Meetings with students held frequently online (85,7%). Students were active in any case and teachers and students used Twinspace constantly. In teachers’ opinion the majority of students learned and use 5-9 web2 tools in this project. There wasn't a problem to guide mixed teamwork.


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